Super Bomb Reversi Status

Status and Objectives: Simplified

1) Fix:one or two bugs in lightning nav+offline which cause occasional navigation jumping glitches
2) Invite people and encourage invites
3) Correct each and every bug and maintain bug free operation - only a few minor non-critical bugs left in the current feature set
4) Monitor and improve scalability
5) Add features, game types, ranking types, more robots
6) Branch into alternate entry points - other game sites with the same player base (create a preference for maintaining a narrowed player base for original players if desired?)
7) Also considering having sponsored players for name recognition and player base expansion - also getting sponsors for SBR
8) Utilizing income from AccountBlaster, MoneyBlast.ME, MoneyBlast.US and Santa Cruz Web Factory to promote and build SBR.
9) Play Games.

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