Facebook, NSA, Snowden, and a funny error I cant seem to get rid of coming from the FB JS . . .

Facebook makes your app specify what permissions it has, and, as specified in SBR's privacy policy, SBR requests only the barebones minimum to get your name and profile pic, since they show up in the game. So the SBR game permissions just say 'public_profile', that's it. I think it's going to need the friends list too, for invites, but that's not even in there at this time, I don't think invites even work right now. (It used to, but they switched around how everything works, for the kabillionth time, it just has to request the friends list somewhere, something I haven't gotten to yet.)

Lots of google searching turns up no obvious fix for these errors I can't seem to get rid of, coming from the Facebook Javascript Software Development Kit:

Error while parsing the 'allow' attribute: 'encrypted-media' is an invalid feature name.
Error while parsing the 'allow' attribute: 'microphone' is an invalid feature name.
Error while parsing the 'allow' attribute: 'camera' is an invalid feature name.

I read Allow and Camera in the same line and I can't figure out how to block it.

F12 will reveal these console errors.

So, players, this is not the game trying to get a hold of your camera, I can assure you. And I tried several times and several angles to get to the bottom of it, no dice. So for now I'm just living with those red annoying console errors that keep saying allow and camera all the time, so lovely, facebook, thanks, Zuck.

I can always stick another login interface in place of the facebook one if it gets too lame, so, people, let me know what you think of all this.

This post is sort of important too, because since the solution to getting rid of the error is not evident from google/stack overflow/facebook docs searches, perhaps this article will spur some attention, and the solution will eventually become known.
